Rather convincing by nature, I have always chosen occupations with the aim of being taxed at the proper rate in Belgium and to recover what can be recovered without giving anything away.
Now, when it comes to property taxes, it is clear that there are savings to be made…..
And I rarely lose sight of my objective… which is all the better for you, because my remuneration is based on the results.
Let us talk about it, because I now have 360° vision and can suggest the best option in property taxation as soon as the project is defined.
Always available, I will be at your beck and call, because there is always a solution.
These are my favorite domains.
New or undergoing renovation
According to our legislation, this amount may be contested within 2 months before the cadastral administration.
Henceforth contact ImmoTaxConsulting. They have more than fifteen years of experience and expertise in this highly complex matter, which will determine the right amount to counterpropose to the Administration, with arguments supported by objective, convincing parameters.
With a background of several years at one of the biggest European players in the cost optimization sector, we are your best ally to advise, guide and represent you in a cumbersome process that is as complex as it is unusual.
Our added values
ImmoTaxConsulting can help you with this process.
Our expert relies on an exceptional database and the necessary tools to challenge the figures notified by the Administration.
Why not entrust this process to a team of professionals in the sector, and authorize them to optimise the cadastral income in your favour?

Your advantages
- You reduce the advance levy on income derived from real-estate considerably and, where appropriate, the Brussels regional tax on your assets
- You increase the value of the property, as the cadastral income remains an undeniable selling argument
- You authorize ImmoTaxConsulting to provide the full service up to the reimbursement of unduly paid amounts, as promptly as possible
- You pay a remuneration limited to the result only (no cure, no pay)
- You benefit from unique expertise as this is our core business.
Our mission
The regionalization of the collection of the advance levy on income derived from real estate has made accessing knowledge of the rules, region by region, a far more complex matter.
The vacant rentals of a building or a part therefore will nonetheless weigh heavily on the latter.
And the tax on a non-existing income de facto even more.
The Administration does not stop there, because in certain municipalities, it will add a “tax on vacant buildings,” which can also be challenged.
Our added value
With more than 15 years of experience in this line of business, we are at your entire disposal to optimize your annual property taxes.
Call us and we will talk about it.
Good news: there are solutions for the 3 regions, both for vacant properties during the works and when there are no works.
With the help of legal experts to validate every claim, we take your case to heart until we obtain results and put all our energy and negating talents to work for you.

Your advantages
- You are spared heavy claims that are often lost in bureaucratic red tape.
- There is no cost, since we generate unexpected cash flow for you in most cases.
- You pay a remuneration limited to the result only (no cure, no pay)
- You benefit from unique expertise as this is our core business.
Our references
ImmoTaxConsulting werd onlangs opgericht (augustus 2015).
Bernadette Bouckaert heeft reeds een professionele carrière van meer dan 15 jaar achter de rug in de sector en kan bijgevolg terugvallen op heel wat ervaring.
Meer weten? Ga gerust een kijkje nemen op de Linkedin-pagina .
Contacteer mij voor uw toegangscode voor referenties. U ontvangt een e-mail met uw code.
ImmoTaxConsulting SComm
Bernadette Bouckaert
10 av du Chemin Creux • 1420 Braine-L’Alleud
Tel: +32 2 376 15 71 • Gsm +32 475 75 25 65
RE: N° 0634 918 052
Immo Tax Consulting in the Press
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